Winter Celebrations

A celebration of winter throughout the world

Happy Christmas, everyone!

For all the people of different nationalities that I’ve ever met, today I’d just like to say: Joyeux Noël! ¡Feliz Navidad! Feliz Natal! Frohe Weihnachten! Buon Natale! С Рождеством Христовым! Vrolijk Kerstfeest! Καλά Χριστούγεννα! Glædelig jul! Nadolig Llawen! Nollaig Shona!

A Festivus for the Rest of Us

Happy Festivus, everyone! As far as made-up recently created holidays go, this one has really taken off. A holiday celebrated on December 23, it gives people the option to avoid the consumerism of all other December holidays. Festivus was made famous in 1997 by Seinfeld writer, Dan O’Keefe, and depicted in […]

Origins & Traditions ☃ Yule Logs

Yule was the name of the ancient winter festivals held by the indigenous Germanic people of Northern Europe. In fact on the modern calendar, yuletide lasts for the period between late November and early January. The word “Yule” has several suggested origins, including Old Norse mid-winter festival “jól” and the […]