Thanks For All The Fish ❦

So, 2013 is really coming to a close, isn’t it?

As if it had a choice.

the-letterWhat a year this has been!

My brother walked down the aisle for a third time, I made a new friend, and my job responsibilities increased to the nth degree.

As I sit here reading all the blogs I subscribe to and chugging my new diet vegetable juice, I want to thank all the bloggers who have kept me so thoroughly entertained and informed with their writing this year.

I’ve limited myself to 10, because I really could go on and on and then I’d end up listing all the blogs in my Reader. So, in no particular order, they are:

  • Hacker. Ninja. Hooker. Spy. by Aussa Lorens. Omg, she is as funny as hell. Is that ghost still living in her office, I wonder? Her dating nightmares are a lesson to us all, but you really can’t help but chuckle and sympathize simultaneously at her experiences. Thankfully, she’s turned out okay and can now share them all with us. Her tagline says it all: “some mistakes are too good not to share.”
  • Randomnessessities – did I spell this right? So I spend a good portion of my time online reading posts from a Beaver, the Roswell Alien, and their human friend. Don’t judge me! Together, their thought-provoking posts and memes are so humorous, they keep me in stitches all the time. They are the ultimate triumvirate. I still can’t decide who is my favorite (Lester, you know it’s you, right?)
  • AnAmericanViewOfBritishScienceFiction by Stephen K., because us Whovians need to stick together. Besides, he understands British sci-fi and that’s okay in my book!
  • The Return of the Modern Philosopher by Austin Hodgens. He knows all kinds of people like Santa Claus, Zeus, The Doc, witches, leprechauns, and goblins. And he has a flying gargoyle named Gary.
  • Ben’s Bitter Blog – well, because he’s bitter.
  • Green Embers – he blogs about everything and I share his taste in movies and TV shows. He has also shown various video tutorials on using parts of WordPress that I’ve found most informative and helpful.
  • HocusPocus13 –  I love reading about the latest spells. This blog takes me to another era and perhaps eventually one of these spells will work in my favor.
  • The Arm Chair Pontificator – Yes, he’s a cannibal but he has won a (self-proclaimed) Nobel Prize! Besides, he was able to get the only interview from Joseph, of Mary and Joseph fame, after Joe had been silent for centuries. I like the way he thinks.
  • A Story A Day – I really enjoy reading short stories. I gobble them up all the time from podcasts and books. I also write them. I like these short stories because of the unexpected endings.
  • Witless Dating After Fifty – I have enjoyed her posts since the first time I read her blog last year. She is such a kind and lovable person…and we’ve never met in person! I enjoy her stories about her life and about her adventures in dating after 50.

Thanks for all the sleepless nights I’ve spent reading and laughing at your material. They were well worth it!


Categories: Best of 2013

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24 replies

  1. Aw, thank you so much for the mention, Belle! And YESSSS that ghost is still tromping about my office like a little hell raiser, bahahaha 😉 I’ll have to share some of the odd things that have happened on the 3rd floor in my friend’s office though… Thanks again for listing me here and I hope you have a wonder New Year! I really like the new blog layout as well 🙂


  2. Of course I know it’s me! In fact, I get the feeling that alien and Arend are a bit intimidated by me sometimes. Ah well, on behalf of them too I can only say I’m so very very honored with this shout out on your blog! Great list btw, some of the blogs on there I don’t know yet, but I’ll check them out.
    Have a great 2014!


  3. Thank you Belle! I love a good Hitchhiker’s reference. I don’t know if you noticed but one of the categories on my blog is 42. I use it for anything random since it all fits under the umbrella of life, the universe and everything 🙂

    What a great list of people, I am honored to be on it. 😀


  4. This happens on other blogs from time to time, I wrote a really well thought out comment and thank you to you and then, somehow it says, “your comment cannot be posted.”
    Thank you, Belle, I feel the same way about reading your posts! I feel like I am with an old friend who shares her heart and mind with me. I feel like there are times, I reflect back on what you have written and get more out of it! This is a special place, in your top ten named to remember! I am grateful for this honor.
    Wishing you and yours a healthy, safe and happy New Year! Hugs, Robin


  5. Thanks for the shout out to the Modern Philosopher blog. So glad you enjoy the silliness. I really appreciate all your comments and knowing that you are enjoying what comes out of my head. Happy New Year!!!


  6. Thx for the mention of my blog, The Arm Chair Pontificator. May 2014 bring an end to the inane restraining orders placed against me by the Nobel Prize Committee so that my long over due award can at last be mine. Amen.


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